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Past Training Opportunities

The National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine (NICABM), is offering a free broadcast:  Mastering the Treatment of Trauma -- Advanced Approaches to the Underlying Causes and Conditions that Block Healing.

Featuring Bessel Van Der Kolk, MD, Judith Herman, MD, and 22 other experts.

Watch the 5 modules covering post trauma dissociation, neglect, moral injury, psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy, and abandonment.  Wednesdays and Thursdays from October 4 - November 2.

Watch for Free by registering for broadcast times.

Or find additional offers.

The NLP Center of New York is offering Live on Zoom or In-Person Ericksonian Hypnosis Training.  

These courses are approved for NBCCH Certification

The Zoom course is held on Fridays 11am-3pm EST from Oct 6 - Mar 22, or,

on Zoom on Saturdays from 10am-2pm from Oct 14, 2023 - April 13, 2024, with holidays off.

The in-person course is held on Sundays in Manhattan from 10am-5pm, Oct. 29, 2023 - Feb 18, 2024, with holidays off. 

Visit The NLP Center of New York to learn more and register.

The NLP Center of New York is offering live on Zoom or In-Person NLP Training.  

The courses are NOT approved for NBCCH Certification.

The Zoom course is held from 10am-2 pm on Thursdays from Oct 5, 2023 - April 11, 2024, except Nov 22.

Or Sundays from 10am-2 pm EST from October 15, 2023 - May 5, 2024, except holidays.

The in-person course is held in Manhattan on Saturdays from 10am-5pm from Oct. 28, 2023 - Mar 9, 2024, with holidays off. 

Visit The NLP Center of New York to learn more and register.

The Wellness Institute is offering a 6-Day Online Introduction to Hypnosis Training.  

This organization provides training approved for 60 CEs in 50 states.

The course is approved for NBCCH Certification.

The upcoming course is held on October 19 - 24, or November 9 - 14, 2023 .

Visit The Wellness Institute to learn more and register.

Tim Simmerman-Sierra and the Hypnotherapy Academy of America offers a 500 hour live remote Integral HypnotherapyTM Certification training, a method validated by the NIH. 

The method appears to be science based and focused on medical hypnotherapy.

The training is approved for NBCCH Certification and also  for ACHE Certification. 

CEs are available.  

The next training begins on January 29, and runs for 10 weeks.  A wait list is available - call 505-767-8030.

Visit the Hypnotherapy Academy to learn more.


or call/text to 310.703.7449

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